Many people think the only type of sex dolls available are those ugly inflatable ones that had a terrible face and a few holes. The other view that many people have is that only unattractive men living in basements use these dolls. Both are very wrong.
Love dolls have advanced wildly since these old inflatable versions. While the inflatable ones are still around, the most popular ones are silicone and TPE models. I urge you to look at any of these dolls and tell me they’re not beautiful. These materials feel almost like skin and have allowed manufacturers to create very realistic dolls.
Not only do they look and feel real to the hand, but many people report that it’s nearly identical to being with a real person. Some models are even having AI installed to make them move realistically or to react to your movement or pressure.
Due to this, men and women of all sorts own and use these dolls. They are significantly more expensive than the inflatable models of old, but they are so worth the price. Singles and couples have been using these type of real dolls for years because they fulfill so many fantasies.
Love dolls have benefits, and I don’t just mean how well they work in bed. They help you fulfill some very wild fantasies, which I will touch on later, but let’s talk about the many people who commonly use and own real dolls.
Widows and widowers have been faced a hard blow by life. They still have sexual needs but aren’t ready to emotionally move on from their partner. They cannot invest themselves into a person, but they want an outlet for their feelings and needs. A lifelike sex doll is perfect. They look and feel like people, which gives widows and widowers healthy reassurance, while also giving them a safe space to release their urges. The dolls act as a stepping stone to help them cope and move on.
Homosexuals who are worried about coming out of the closet but still want to be with someone they find attractive will find that sex dolls provide them discretion and the confidence to have sex with who they want. It will give the person a space to express themselves without worrying about what others think of them.
Singles who want sex but aren’t ready to commit, or those who are worried that their looks may turn others away, can also receive some comfort from these love dolls. Since they are so realistic, these people will get to enjoy their lives without feeling like they are missing out.
That leads us to couples. One of the many problems that couples face is that they get bored. You can try different positions, toys or new fetishes, but things will get boring if you don’t change anything. Adult dolls change that. It gives both of you a chance to have a threesome without any emotional investment. You can also both talk about what you want from the doll. How should it look? What types of features and body parts should it have? This is exciting, and both of you will be able to enjoy that excitement for years after finally getting the doll.
I know a lot of people have misconceptions about real sex dolls and it’s easy to see why. Many people still picture unattractive basement dwellers using ugly and vaguely human inflatable dolls in a desperate bid to satisfy their needs. The reality is that silicone and TPE sex dolls are truly beautiful and can be made to satisfy all your fantasies. Whether you’re looking for a shemale sex doll or anything else, these can help spice up your relationship and prevent either partner from feeling bored.
Talking about sex and admitting that you are bored can be difficult. Many people will go their whole lives without openly talking about these issues, but that’s unhealthy and it won’t help your relationship. Love dolls have evolved dramatically throughout the years to the point where they are highly realistic and even therapeutic. Give them a try and you’ll see just how much good they can do for your relationship.
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